
Faithful and Helpful Ministries

The materials produced by CCEF are some of the best that I know. They are gospel centered and thus good for the soul.

CCW is the teaching and writing ministry of Jim Elliff. CCW's compelling interests are the reformation of the church, biblical evangelism, and the hope for authentic revival in our day.

Do you want to develop a hunger for God? Desiring God ministries is a great site containing printed and audio sermons, books, and articles all with the aim that God be magnified in the world and in you.

Gospel Missions

We partner with the International Mission Board for the purpose of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.

Looking for information concerning the unreached people groups of the world and where they are? This site is a tremendous resource!

Nourishment for the Soul

This is a sermon by Matthew Henry preached in April of 1704. This sermon is very helpful in explaining the what and why of a family being devoted to the cause of Christ.

I have recommended and benefited from this article so many times that it is probably time that the link is made made easily accessible from the church webpage.

This page contains many good sermons. However, Sproul's message entitled "The Curse Motif of the Atonement" is an amazing sermon.